Sunday, October 31, 2010

Getting Ready for Peru

We are less than a week away from our departure for Peru. I have so much to do, I don't know where to begin. And it's rather late to begin. I have only completed the first lesson of the Spanish CD's I purchased. I had such good intentions. Since the trip is half vacation and half volunteer work, there are additional challenges in planning for what needs to be packed. We will spend the first 10 days touring with some of the same people as our South Africa trip. It will be great to see them again. The second part of the trip we will be volunteering with Cross-Cultural Solutions for the third time.

Our previous CCS trips were to Brazil. This time we will be working in Lima, Peru. We won't know our assignment until after we are in-country since we are leaving several weeks before our official program begins. But since we are "seasoned" CCS volunteers, we are going to move in and start to work early as soon as our tour ends.

I'll try to post on our activities as often as possible. It will mostly depend on when and where we have wi-fi access, so updates could be sporadic. Wish us well in our travels.